God does not exclude God only invites and includes. Richard Rohr on the Trinity.
Pour out your life so that you can be filled. Ricard Rohr on the Trinity.
In your very nature you are created for unity with God. Richard Rohr on the Trinity.
God is for us, along side of us, and within us. Richard Rohr on the Trinity.
God has to be three. Richard Rohr on the Trinity.
Have we lost Jesus' cosmic dimension?
God is more a verb than a noun.
Everything has meaning.
Have we redesigned the Gospel into a win/lose context?
We have to understand God in a larger way.
The Trinity, friendship and salvation.
Do you have a tiny image of God
Jesus came to show us how to be human.
Ricard on Trinitarian relationship.
Everything is worth a second look.
The Trinity and power.
The schizophrenic world view of fundamentalism.
God really is everywhere.
God is relationship itself.
There's only One suffering.
God is love.
Richard Rohr on the preferential option for the outsider.
Are you molding Jesus to your image?
How did Jesus use scripture?
Richard Rohr on recognizing resurrection.
Richard Rohr on eco-spirituality.
Richard Rohr on the original blessing.
Richard Rohr on beauty.
How does Jesus save us?
Richard Rohr on living In Christ.
How do you read the bible?
Does your God hate his enemies?
Station III from The Way of the Heart series.
Levels of holiness and human consciousness.
Richard Rohr on the conversion that comes from being "in Christ."
Richard Rohr on pure relationship with the moment.
Are we getting new minds or are we just acting out Christianity?
Richard Rohr on thriving versus surviving.
Richard Rohr on the conflict and folly of the cross.
Richard Rohr on learning how to think in terns of “yes, but…” and “both and and."
Richard Rohr on why If truth is truth, it has to be truth everywhere.
Richard Rohr on the meaning of the cross.
Richard Rohr on hell.
Richard Rohr on the trump card of Christianity.
Richard Rohr reflects on Mary, Jesus' Mother.
Richard Rohr reflects on the scandal of the incarnation.
Richard Rohr invites us into new wisdom this Advent.
The Gospel and Integral Theory. Seriously.
Quantum entanglement and the Holy Spirit.
Richard Rohr's thoughts on dying.
How near is God? Rohr on the inner and outer relationship with God.
Richard Rohr on good and bad powerlessness and "the preferential option for the poor."
Why do we keep cleaning the outside of the dish when it's the inside that matters?
Richard Rohr on the limitation of fundamentalism and formulas.
Richard Rohr on death to self and transformation.
Richard Rohr on child-like faith.
Richard Rohr on the mysterylessness and pain that comes from black and white thinking.
Richard Rohr on John 12, identity, the ego.
Are you the victim or the victimizer?
Richard Rohr on sin.
Do you belong to yourself or to God?
Richard Rohr on God's presence, prayer, the Spirt and surrender.
Richard Rohr on fear and the problem of good.
Christ is not Jesus' last name.
Richard Rohr on limiting God to spaces and forms.
When two or three are gathered in My name...Richard Rohr on church and love.
Richard Rohr suggests God IS NOT coercive, but is the great "allower."
Is prayer just a verbal thing or a state of consciousness? Thoughts from Richard Rohr.
Richard Rohr on the Trinitarian design of the universe.
Are we teaching what to see or how to see? Richard Rohr on getting in on more of God.
Richard Rohr on love, grace and the problem of good.
Richard Rohr on faith actually being faith vs. insistence on certitude.
Richard Rohr on where he’s seeing signs of resurrection.
Richard Rohr on what breaks his heart.
Richard on some of his ego that needs dying.
A five-session series with Richard Rohr on Trinitarian spirituality.
A Stations of the Cross contemplative film series.
A six-session series with Richard Rohr on delighting in our salvation.
A 12 Session Series Around the Life of Jesus the Christ
Seven film session on Jesus' invitation to follow Him.
A six week series on the role of the church.