The Spirit of truth bring new life.
God's love is never exhausted. No text version.
God's love is never exhausted.
An Isaiah 40 inspired visual benediction.
An Isaiah 40 inspired visual benediction.
Adapted from Psalm 62.
Adapted from Psalm 62.
An Easter Benediction
A Good Friday Benediction
A Maundy Thursday Benediction.
Inspired by John of the Cross' Dark Night of the Soul
Everywhere you will go, there I AM.
A prayer for forgiveness and reconciliation.
Your faith has saved you; go in peace.
Be transfigured.
A nativity reflection.
An Advent invitation to make room.
A Prayer of hope by Kelly Ann Hall.
A Pentecost benediction.
A responsive reading to be.
I AM here. I still Am. A visual benediction.
Bless Your people, who believe greater than we doubt; who are afraid until we remember, who long to behold You. Give us the strength of Thomas, the resolve to wait with hope, Grant us the faith to see.
A benediction for Advent.
A benediction for baptism.
A Advent benediction.
An Advent benediction.
"Rinse the burial dirt from your mouth! Life is the last word! Come to your feet!." A benediction Inspired by Isaiah 65.
An Advent benediction.
A post Easter benediction. Benediction by Kelly Ann Hall.
To Rise Above, a benediction for Rising Saints by Kelly Ann Hall.
A Benediction from John 6.
A benediction from John 6.
Artist Kelly Hall on the transforming season of Advent.
Lord take it all! A revelation, poem and prayer by Kelly Hall.
He Is Risen! An Easter benediction by Kelly Ann Hall.
A five-session contemplative film series.
Seven film session on Jesus' invitation to follow Him.
An Advent Reflection series.