I AM sorry, so very sorry.
For every injustice
for blanketed persecution
of fear projected like tattooed targets
on the beautiful skins
I fashioned with My own hands.
For violence against you
for escapes created
to protect or divert attention
from black bodies shot point blank.
Can you stay with me?
Remain, bear My heart
and breathe...
there's a lot to feel.
for the senseless deaths,
for the lack of humanity
and the loss of dignity,
I AM sorry.
Please forgive Me
for violence that happens
for not ending the madness
for the lack of revolution
for broken spirits, arms, legs, lips, irreplaceable holes in families--
for the bloodshed of My children.
Loves of My life...
this is NOT right,
this is NOT Me.
Please, forgive Me.
I love you,
My image bearers,
just as you are--My reflection on earth.
I continue to work on hearts and minds,
I continue to inspire voices
to heal and forward My principles
of love, compassion, mercy...
For the one humankind I created,
to feel enoughness,
to be Me-tuned,
To know that I fashioned and adorned
every skin
every individual equally
uniquely Mine.
I love you.
Thank you,
for risking your lives to magnify My voice on earth
My earthbound choir of angelic proportion...
keep singing!
Know you are worthy,
beauty-filled and dignified in My sight.
For staying faithful,
for believing,
for striving towards the highest good--
for looking for signs of Me
even in your enemy
and especially in the mess,
I AM thankful.
By Kelly Hall
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