Building the Soul of A City

Building the Soul of A City

Includes 11 films

For centuries, cities were the systems that connected people, ideas, markets, and communities. It was not in rural areas, but in the urban areas of Rome, Asia Minor, and Greece that Christianity flourished. However, what made these cities great was also what posed challenges for the early Christians. Pagan and cultic religions, cultural and economic barriers, and political and familial systems presented major difficulties, and the apostle Paul sought to address them in his letters.

Today’s modern cities are much different in their size and scope, but they also present great challenges for the church. Sociologist, Michael O. Emerson (Ph.D., professor at Rice University and Academic Director at the Kinder Institute for Urban Research) helps us to understand the difference in modern cities and speaks about how the church can assist in their transformation. How can the church lead out in transformative city building that sustains the lives of its citizens, brings about peace, and advocates for restorative justice?

The curriculum includes 11 films with accompanying leaders guide.

Created in partnership with our friends at projectCURATE.


Not All Are Welcome
Converted Into Community
American Market City
Investing in Each Other
Bringing Us All Together
Multi-Nuclei City
A System of Racialization
Building Inequality
Crossing Over
Hunkering Down A Transformed City
A Transformed City

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