
Melvin Bray

I am an itinerant speaker and aspiring author. As such, I work to tell more beautiful stories of sustainable ways of being in the world and contributed a prayer of hope to the 2009 release The Audacity of Faith (seen to your right). I am a contributing editor for Sojourners magazine, and I periodically post to God’s Politics blog. Additionally, I am happy to report I am making good progress with The Stories in Which We Find Ourselves: A Bible Story Project.

I am founder, director, chief gardener of Kid Cultivators, a missional youth development nonprofit.

I help others tell their own story. Much more than writing for hire and manuscript editing, it’s helping people find their own voice and say well what’s inside of them to say. In the same vein, I love making the printed word audible (as evidenced by the audio page of this and other sites). So I do voice-over as well.

I occasionally consult in the areas of nonprofit organization, program development and curriculum development, which includes all the document preparation associated with each.

I am a host of the annual Wild Goose Festival and a participant in the Emergent Village theological conversation and the Children, Youth and a New Kind of Christianity conversation (begun in spring 2012).

Melvin Bray

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