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Adventus: Joining a Hope That has Come

Includes 1 films

Adventus: Joining a Hope that is Come is one 35 minute film with a handful of theologians and practitioners offering their thoughts on Advent, a season of being remade in the dark. 

During this womb-time season, we can enter into the sacred movement of God that we each embody and are invited to carry forward. Adventus is an opening listening room full of beloved TWOTP people Walter Brueggemann, Kelly Brown Douglas, Stanley Hauerwas, Rudy Rasmus, Parker Palmer, Fleming Rutledge, Nadia Bolz-Weber, Ilia Delio, Emilie Townes, James Alison, Richard Rohr, Marlon Hall, Wm Paul Young, Brené Brown, and Jürgen Moltmann. Their voices call us to re-imagine anticipating Jesus’ birth while considering our part in the current and eternal reign of Christ. 

Adventus is inspirational material for personal contemplation, and an excellent conversational piece for groups walking through this season together with wonder—God put Godself in human form, God has placed hope in us. What are we to do with it?

The film comes with discussion/discernment questions, a spiritual practice for waiting, and there are captions included with streaming version of the film.

Included Films


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