This four-part series is a conversation with Kathy Escobar discussing spiritual and life practices, from here book A Weary World:Reflections for A Blue Christmas, that she has found helpful when crawling through seemingly impossible loss when it collides with the hustle-and-bustle holiday season. This is more than a “How to survive the holidays” guide, it is her true to life work learning how to honor reality, be honest, hold paradox (both the dark and the light), and borrowing hope when she had none.
If you find yourself weary and facing down a blue Christmas, we hope this series brings you company—you are not alone. You are held in our hearts and prayers and those of us who can are holding hope for you when you can’t. Keep being true to yourself, we are with you.
Accompanying film discussion guide included. Pick up Kathy's A Weary World HERE.
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