Fill This Land

featuringKelly Ann Hall

A Prayer of hope by Kelly Ann Hall...

Face-up my beloved, 
even at your most vulnerable;
when corruption demands your head—
rest assured: I Am for you!

I will throw open the gates,
even wider the doors of the sanctuary,
to expose where religion plots against a brother,
withholds and starves a sister,
hangs its members on words
spoken against empire; 
against building much of nothing.

And still, 
I will not turn my back against the mistaken,
even though you have not understood much of me,
I remain who I Am:


To the willing ear, I speak truth coupled with love.
The wounded-in-action, I bandage with justice armed with divine perspective.
To the slipped, sunken, and fallen, I restore and even more so,

I love shamelessly!
Righting wrongs, washing hands, purifying hearts!
I am planting seeds of goodness among you,
a new reality is sprouting, in it is more than enough!

My Glory will fill the land.


I’ll light the path and will guide you myself—
don’t give up—follow me
and your heart will know eternal peace,
Yes, your heart will flow with my eternal peace.

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